Penelope's Story
Your life is a playground
I teach people to look at their lives like a playground. Why? Playgrounds are designed to help children develop physical coordination, try things out (practising), interact with others and have fun while they're doing it. They are growing, not just physically, but emotionally and intellectually; learning new behaviours, developing feelings of self-worth and becoming more competent.
We can look at our lives as adults in a similar way. We’re always trying out new things, getting new insights, finding things out about ourselves and forming new relationships.
Relationships are key. They shine a light on where we’re at. Are we growing, learning, adapting and changing? Are we stuck, making the same mistakes or moving forward?
So, in this playground called life, we are always learning about ourselves, building resilience and hopefully having fun along the way.
If we fall – and we’re bound to – let's hop up and try again, question ourselves, look for insights on how to improve and do things differently.
This wonderful client became a playground expert really quickly. And I’m so glad because she’s now having a riot of a time.